Imam Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani
24 - Rabi al-Thani - 1441 AH
09 - 12 - 2020 AD
09:01 am

Corona Virus and Announcing The Miracle of Healing Without a Vaccine nor a Medicine

In the name of Allah, Ar-Rahman (the Most Gracious), the Most Merciful. From the servant of Allah and His Caliph, Nasser Mohammed, to all people

O people, I am the Imam Al-Mahdi (the Guided Leader), Nasser Mohammed, not only am I the caliph of Allah over Yemen but also the caliph of Allah over the whole world. [I swear] By Allah, there is no difference in my eyes between a Yemeni and a Chinese person

O Leaders of mankind and decision makers among their people, along with everyone that has reached their rectitude among Arab and Non-Arab and among Muslims and Non-Muslims, listen to and reason the ruling that I will give you with the truth; which is the decisive word that is not to be taken for amusement

I swear by Allah, the One, the Overpowering, that I do not know of any vaccine for you or a cure for what is in the chests from the torment of Allah except that you [humbly] entreat with the following supplication without arrogance towards the caliph of Allah, Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed. And the words for removing the torment of what is within the chests are to humble yourselves to Allah and implore with supplication to Allah the following

"Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.

And after the repentance let each one of them say
O Allah I am Your servant, I ask you by virtue of the fact that there is no God but You, and by virtue of the fact of Your Mercy which you have decreed upon Yourself, and by the virtue of the fact of the greatness of Your Pleasure within, which is greater than the pleasure of your heaven, to cure me of the torment of Corona or to turn it away from me as I am a believer in the caller to the truth from You

O Allah, remove Your torment from us from whichever direction it comes from, so that we follow the path of the truth from You. And strengthen us to fulfil what we have promised you, O you who intervene between a man and his heart, as we only have Your mercy, You have decreed upon Yourself. If You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers. O Allah You have said in the clear Verses of Your book

And your Lord says, {Call upon Me; I will respond to you}
[Surah: 40 - Ghafir - Verse: 60

So the Dua'a (supplication) and the repentance is from me, and the response is from You and You do not break Your promise. Exalted You are our Lord, your promise is
true and you are the Most Merciful

O Allah Give us the strength to fulfil what we have promised You to follow the global caller to Allah, the caliph of Allah on Earth the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani. O Allah, make the raising of him a blessing upon us and not a misery upon us because of our turning away from the call to the truth of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni.

Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni

Translated by: Deena ADEL
Edited by: Danny KADDOURA & Tracy SIDDAL
Translated from the original statement: