الموضوع: Request For Guidance

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  1. افتراضي Request For Guidance

    Respected Imam Nasser Muhammad Alyamani Asalam o Alikum!!
    Hope you have good health.

    Respected Imam!! on social Media (Facebook) a man currently in Pakistan claiming that ALLAH SWT come in my dream and ordered me to help Pakistan Army in the Ghezwa-I- Hind. He posted many post on Facebook i want to share two post with you


    "My name is Muhammad Qasim Ibn Abdulkarim, I am 40 years old. I witness that there is no God but only Allah and Prophet Muhammad s.a.w is The Last Messenger of Allah and I am a Ummati of Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
    In my dreams i saw that when the news of my dream will reach the Army Chief of Pakistan then He will listen to me carefully. Then I will explain the details of my dreams to Army Chief of Pakistan. After that Nabi Muhammad s.a.w will give my witness to Army Chief of Pakistan through a dream that "Qasim is not lying to anyone regarding his dreams, and his dreams are true, and they are from Allah". Then people will find out my truth from Allah. I am waiting for that News InshAllah.
    Many people are continuously demanding my picture and it is difficult for me to share that to everyone individually. Some people thought that I am hiding the truth and thats the reason I am not sharing my picture. I am basically a shy person, I have decided to upload my picture, right now i do not have any fresh picture to share so I am sharing my 10 year old picture."


    "14 July in a dream, I was standing outside my house, and Allah was on His Arsh in the sky, and black and red light was coming out and spreading from it, and I was feeling a little bit scared from it that I never saw colors like these before, I felt that Allah is staring at me and Allah was willing that the work which he gave me to do a few days ago should be done, and I thought that I will do that work, what's the rush? But Allah kept his stare on me continuously and I got scared and thought that I should do this work since Allah is very angry, so I went into my room and did the work which Allah had told me and then came out and I felt like Allah is watching me to see if I had done the work which he had ordered me, and then Allah came very near to the land and Allah was in full anger and I became scared of Allah, but I said to myself that Allah isn't getting angry at me, when Allah comes in front of the people then he brightens his colors and comes as if he is saying that "I am Allah, The Lord of All the Worlds, who can dare to deny my order? " And after seeing all this I said that Qasim it's better to get out of here because Allah isn't in a good mood, I have done my work and now Allah will do his work and then I run away from there."

    So it is most kindly Requested to you that please guide us and also explain about the Ghezwa-i-Hind.

    Furthermore! i already requested to the Admin of "https://www.mahdialumma" that if the articles are translated into the Urdu Language it will be your kindness because 200 Millions Pakistani, 100 to 200 Millions Indian Muslman, 10 to 20Millions Afghanistani Muslim will read easily.

  2. افتراضي

    In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
    Allah's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you brother Latif, please note that the Imam Mahdi peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family has said repeatedly in his explanatory-statement that dreams never can build on it judgement and it belongs to its owner, also for the dream of this person Muhammad Qasim Ibn Abdulkarim is from doing of satan due to that fact the none can ever see Allah openly whether in dreams or in reality because Allah told us that there is nothing like Him glory be to Him. also there are many statements of our beloved Imam stating about this subject with proofs from the Quran and since you can understand the statements you may with help of trusted people to translate the True explanatory statements on this blessed site after it is approved it can be posted for these all millions.. it is your opportunity to compete for Allah's love and His nearness..
    Also the quote that all dreams are from Allah is not true because satan whispers to people whether in dreams or other ways
    اقتباس المشاركة :
    "Qasim is not lying to anyone regarding his dreams, and his dreams are true, and they are from Allah"
    انتهى الاقتباس
    Especially that this man has no proof of knowledge nor authority.. so he should seek help by having Quran to be read for him for more than an hour we pray to him and others like him to be healed from satan's touch..
    Take guard and seek refuge in Allah from such people and keep reading the Quran and the True explanatory-statements for the grand Quran in this webstie by the True Awaited Mahdi the khalifa of Allah and His servant the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni..

  3. افتراضي

    Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

    24 - 01 - 1430 AH
    21 - 01 - 2009 AD
    02:00 am

    In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds..

    I was waiting for a comment from you on what is more important than the added-insertions so we do not get outside the subject, so where is you comment on altering the word of Allah in a narrative that is in it a great forgery in seeing Allah and that He placed His hand upon the shoulder of Mohammad messenger of Allah -pray of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- until he found the coolness of Allah’s fingers? Surely this word is of a big sin and great forgery, so how the shoulder of Mohammad messenger of Allah -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- bears to the hand of the Most powerful of the heavens and the earth while the mountain of iron with sever might did not endure seeing Allah when He made it crumbled it is not but from viewing Him glory be to Him, so how about if Allah placed His hand on this mountain? And how they made for Allah fingers and to believe that He has (Allah’s hand); but here the thinking should stop and it is not permissible to be thinking how.. And they said that Allah appeared to Mohammad messenger of Allah -pray of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- and they forgot that Mohammad messenger of Allah is a mortal, so their saying in the meaning of that he saw Allah openly, glory be to Him, and Exalted Most High (beyond measures)! But this forgery is contrary to the word of Allah the Most High: {And it is not vouchsafed to a mortal that Allah should speak to him, except by revelation or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger and revealing by His permission what He pleases. Surely He is High, Wise.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Shoura] 42:51

    This is from the decisive clear verses from mother of the Book, so how this narration comes contrary to what is in it and says that Allah appeared openly to Mohammad messenger of Allah?

    O community of supporters, ponder over the explanatory-statements of your Imam and debate with scholars of the nation, I swear by Allah for if you memorized the authority of the explanatory-statement surely not a scholar argues with you in that subject but you forced him to acknowledge or the silence, and the meaning of silence is the confusion because he heard a logical speech and wanted to think of it a lot before he replies.

  4. افتراضي

    In the name of Allah the most gracious the most Merciful
    All praise is due to Allah and prayers on his messangers
    Beloved in the sake of Allah latif .
    This person who saw the dream in what he described is being lured by Satan.
    According to Imam Nassir
    Mohamed Alyamani dreams are in no way an authoritative source for people to follow. A dream is only good proof to the one he saw that dream, and the truth of it can only be tested when this dream manifest it self in reality .

    another point that the imam mention is that demons can manipulate a person dream.

    my take on this person dream is that he claimed he saw the throne(Arsh) of Allah in the sky. This is false because imam Nassir Mohamed Alyamani had state's that the throne of Allah is (saderate Almuntha) a tree the surrounds the 7 earth , seven heaven and the eteranal paradise. secondly he claimed that two color lights eminates from this throne and this is false too .

    my last point is that Imam Nassir Mohamed Alyamani sent to spread peace on earth which in turn spread peace between believers and non believers. so this aggressive idea of Gazwa doesn't not have any weight in Imam Nassir Mohamed Alyamani dictionary. But the imam do note a true right of defense and that's when a country is defending itself from the aggression attack by other country, so citizens are defending their land, honor and
    and the right to left the aggression
    Of the oppressor.
    <a href=https://www.0zz0.com target=_blank rel=nofollow><a href=http://www2.0zz0.com/2017/12/04/12/284230586.jpg target=_blank rel=nofollow>http://www2.0zz0.com/2017/12/04/12/284230586.jpg</a></a>.
    اضغط الرابط ليصلك الجديد فى البث الحي :

  5. افتراضي

    I may add to the quote of Allah's throne it is in fact Allah's mighty power controlling all things and the Imam taught us that between Allah and all His servants is a veil barrier which is Sidra tree that is the biggest thing Allah created where not angels and neither jinn nor mankind can see Allah and nothing can endure to see Allah but something like Him and there is nothing like Him glory be to Him and in the True sunna of the prophet Mohammad's narration as well states that non can see Allah

    Copy of Imam's explanatory-statement:

    let us begin the application for the ratification for the True sunna of Mohammad, Mohammad messenger of Allah -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness be upon him and his family- ratifying to the decisive verses in the matter of viewing, he said: [None would see Allah in the world’s life nor in the hereafter], said the Truth Allah’s messenger prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him.

    And this True narration had agreed with the decisive, evident and clear Quran in the word of Allah the Most High: {And when Moses came at Our appointed time and his Lord spoke to him, he said: My Lord, show me (Yourself) so that I may look at You. He said: You can never see Me; but look at the mountain; if it remains firm in its place, then you will see Me. So when his Lord manifested His glory to the mountain, He made it crumble and Moses fell down in a swoon. Then when he recovered, he said: Glory be to You! I turn to You, and I am the first of the believers.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-A`arãf] 7:143. {You can never see Me}; and said the Truth His honorable messenger in his word: [None would see Allah in the world’s life nor in the hereafter], but we see His light glory be to Him radiates from behind the veil of clouds so the earth shines with the light of its Lord. In confirming with the word of Allah the Most High in His decisive Book: {And the earth glows with the light of its Lord,}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Zumar] 39:69

    And in confirming with His word; Exalted be He the Majestic: {They wait for naught but that Allah should come to them in the shadows of the clouds with angels, and the matter has (already) been decided. And to Allah are (all) matters returned.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:210, so the True narration comes from Mohammad messenger of Allah -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- in the matter of the sighting, and said prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him: [A veil descends between Him and His creation] said the Truth Mohammad messenger of Allah -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him, and confirming with the word of Allah the Most High: {And on the day when the heaven bursts asunder with clouds, and the angels are sent down, as they are sent.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Furqãn] 25:25


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